Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Reflection by Sydney

           It's literally the last day of our stay in the mountains and I'll admit that I'm happy to go. This round was definitely the strangest, and I believe that a lot of us have undergone more dramatic transformations than we anticipated. At this point, all of us have become so comfortable with one another, that the idea of disrupting this strange micro-family makes me feel anxious. I remember when we would return to campus for transition and hangout in each others' rooms, too spent and overwhelmed to interact with non Blue 4 members. Now I'm sitting at our kitchen table in our housing, surrounded by family. Amber is staring at me and eating a truffle that Brad made, Alyssa is untangling her hair, Carolyn is sitting in front of her laptop blasting some awesome-ness, Sarah is sitting next to me. She just leaned on me, I'm going to miss her. Taylor is standing in the doorway chewing and staring. He just summoned me to pack the tent I used eariler. Brad is giving away stuff he doesn't want, and everyone attacked him. He simply let it all drop to the floor. Carolyn just put on "Midnight City" by M83 (at my insistence). What I can't help but think about, is how these moments, this familiarity, this comfortable life we've built, is almost over. This is truly once in a lifetime. I will never be here again, in this kitchen, with these people, listening to this song. It is filling me with a weird nostalgia. I miss this. I miss them, and I haven't even left yet. It's just so surreal, this entire experience feels like a dream. It was only the other day I met these people,and some part of me feels like it was a bit longer than that. This whole program to me is made up of moments like this, where everyone is just around. A part of me is excited to go back to the real world, but to me, these last 10 months have been as real as it gets.

1 comment:

  1. Sydney, nice reflection. I'll miss all the blog updates from Blue 4. I do hope all of you keep in touch with each other and occasionally let us bystanders know what's going on with your lives. Maybe even on this blog. I know I'll keep bugging Alyssa about news. You are all welcome to visit and say hello anytime. There will be better food than the snacks from Costco.
